
The return of the toads!

Last night I spent a couple of hours working in my garden. I was mulching the big middle garden, because the weeds (mainly the evil, evil bermuda grass which I want to KILL) were really taking off. When lo and behold, what should creep out from under my yarrow?


The toads are back! Last year, I had a family of toads living in my garden. Two big fat ones and one or two smaller babies. They would hop around and hide under the bushy plants. One time, one hopped into my storage shed. And I couldn't get him out. And I had to close him up in there in the July heat. I worried I had killed him. But I've yet to find a toad carcass (gross) in my shed, so I guess he escaped!

I love that my garden provides a natural habitat for animals big and small. I don't mind them. The butterflies are already coming around. The neighborhood cats (we have a lot of strays) like to come in my backyard to munch on my sage plant. Last night this beautiful Siamese that I see around all the time was hanging out near my sage, waiting to munch, but I scared him off. Oh well. At least he knows it's there!

My garden is doing pretty well. The only thing I'm slightly concerned about at this point are the coneflowers. Last year I had white and purple coneflowers that were absolutely beautiful. So far this year I can only find very small upshoots. My mom thinks they might not be very big yet because, until recently, we've had cool-ish nights. So perhaps the ground temperature has been slow to warm up this spring. The brown-eyed susans and lemon basil are all emerging. My lilies are a few days away from blooming.

Even though sometimes my garden makes me feel really overwhelmed, gosh. I still love it. I will take more pictures later in the week. I ran out of daylight last night.

(P.S., I want to keep a running tally of how many bags of mulch I use this year... Last year I lost count, but I think the total was around 30. So far this year, I've purchased 17. And loaded, unloaded, and hauled them ALL by myself in my Civic!)

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