So, I haven't had time to clean my house enough to post pictures of it here. But, I have been working on the yard, and I think it's gorgeous right now! All I've really done so far is weed, and put mulch down in places where I didn't last year (already used ten bags).
It really makes me happy to see things doing this well in my yard. Last year was pretty rough. A month of torrential rain, three weeks of standing water, the deck collapse, and then the ice storm. I let the garden get out of control last year, and spent most of my time just trying to catch up. When all the lemon basil came up, I didn't know what to do. When all the rudebeckias came up, I didn't know what to do. When all the zinnias came up, I *really* didn't know what to do. This year, I know that's all coming, and about when! So I can be prepared! Things will be a lot better this year. Really, this does wonders for my mood and outlook on life and being a homeowner.
This week marks the one year anniversary of closing on my house.
So here's a bunch of pictures of my backyard!

I chopped this garden in half this year. Previously, it ran all the way down my fence. But there was nothing growing down there. And it floods. None of the things pictured here bloomed last year, as best I can remember.

This is a yellow "Lady Banks Rose" vine. I think last year, the previous owners must have planted some clippings from my neighbors.

So pretty! I love them.

Also, there's this thing. I think it's a trumpet vine! It's sticky.

My Japanese Maple tree, which has grown *a lot* since last year.

Blooming irises!

My clematis vines are already blooming, and they look a lot bushier and healthier than last year.

I have no idea what this is, but it's cute!

In a few days, those clusters will open up into white flowers. It's a yarrow plant!

Last year, I pulled this up, because I thought it was weed. Then I saw a bunch of it growing plentifully at a local restaurant known for its gorgeous patio garden. Oops.

Here is a close-up of the flowers. I didn't edit this photo, that's the actual color! So vibrant.

My lilies, which are still growing, and will soon bloom in red, white, and purple. They multiplied like crazy over the winter! Last year, there weren't even half this many. These are asiatic lilies, and I have trumpet lilies on the other side of the garden.

Poor tree. This is the damage from the ice storm. I think this is the oldest tree on my property, and he fared the worst during the storm.

Looking out from the deck. I'm giving up on weeding that "courtyard" area, as I call it. I need to plant some ground cover there.

Yes, the deck pit is still there. Oh well.

The clumps of green leafy things are my coneflowers and rudebeckias. They'll start to bloom in May, and last through July or so. They've still got a lot of growing to do. Last year, some of the coneflower plants came up past my waist.
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