
Coming soon: pictures!

I realized the other day it's been a good long while since I last posted pictures of what my house actually looks like. My house is really starting to feel like a home, with the addition of artwork (local and independent!). So sometime this week I'll take some pictures and post them. Oh, and of my yard too.

Speaking of the yard, I am deep in the process of researching square foot vegetable gardening.

I honestly don't know if I'll have the time or energy this spring to get it all set up in time to plant; our last frost here is April 15 and seeds would need to go in the ground no later than two weeks after that. But, maybe! The hardest part would be improving my soil. I'm learning about soil composition, and as expected in most Okie locales- my soil is super, super clayey.

(On the right is an example of clayey soil- pretty much what my backyard's soil looks like, and on the left, an example of "amended" clayey soil- with compost and organic matter added in. P.S., I'm beginning to feel like Dwight from The Office with my knowledge of *soil types.* Maybe I'll grow some beets?)

I would need to really work the soil down to a depth of a foot, adding in compost and other organic matter, to make trying to grow vegetables even worth the effort. I read in one book that soil is considered clayey when water stands on it for several hours after a rainfall. Several hours? Try several days! The southwest and northeast corners of my backyard can hold standing water for up to three or four DAYS after heavy rainfall. Of course, I won't be trying to grow vegetables in those locations, but it's probably indicative of my soil's overall quality. I don't understand how my big middle garden flourishes as it does. The previous owner must have improved that bit of soil before planting all that stuff.

In semi-related backyard news, severe weather season has finally began in Oklahoma. I love it. :) Just so as long as the hail, tornados, and flooding rainfall stay away from my house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoo first comment! i would leave this under my name but i forgot my password! yeah! -matt