
Rejuvenation, how I love thee

So this is what life is like when all you covet and lust after are lighting fixtures and bathroom hardware. I got a fancy schmancy new catalogue in the mail today from Rejuvenation, and I think I fell in love...

Hello, Lombard.

Wouldn't it look pretty in my dining room? I have one of those hideous straight-out-of-the-70s tray light fixture things. You know, the kind that screws in in the middle, and bugs fly into and collect in the tray? So nasty.

And hello, Chandler bathroom accessories.

In black, so perfect for my art deco bathroom.

All told, it would cost me about $232. For some bathroom parts and a light fixture. Maybe someday...

1 comment:


ooohhh those are so cute. damn tempting, but I just won't spend that much on bathroom accessories. think of all the hookers and blow you could get for that.

i like to browse their website and schoolhouse electric to feel all sorts of crampy desire for overpriced beautiful fixtures.